so...woke up at roughly 9:30a.m.
then Tiffani came over
so i had to wake up
and ate breakfast that Lub Lub's mom prepared for me
feels like home :)))
watched Autumn's Concerto (next stop, happiness) with Lub Lub's mommy
then start to help Lub Lub make a study guide
SOO much stuff...
it's like i am taking the class...
i have to go over all the lecture slides and pick out the information that he needs to remember
so tired...
it's..2:45 right now
Lub Lub gets off work at 3:30
then he's going to come back and pick his mommy and i up
drop his mommy off at work
Lub Lub and i going to get my phone!!!!
HOPEFULLY everything works out today..
i really want a phone...
especially my phone number...
SOOO, i STILL didn't get my phone..
don't know when i will...= =
this is kinda pissing me off...
no mood to talk about it anymore...
whenever i get my phone is whenever i get my phone...
Lubby ❤